Keep her where she belongs: Gendered codes and sexist representations of the female figure in advertisements by Troullou Maria.

From our perspective the sexist representation of women is problematic because it can generate adverse perceptions of women:validation of masculine behaviours, language and values as though they represent the universal norm, reinforcing perceptions that may legitimize violence against women, limit the range of behaviour considered acceptable for women. In our analysis we are mainly interested in the objectification of women based on cultural preoccupation with “looks”. Our theoretical background is based on the works of Goffman (1976), Schur (1983) and Berger (1973). By decoding the visual codes of the representation of women in modern and vintage advertisements we try to detect some of the basic patterns and conventions that have diachronically been used for the depiction of the female figure.

New Bulgarian University Human Resources Development Center Finnish Network University of Semiotics International Semiotics Institute International Association for Semiotic Studies