III. EFFS 1997

“Semiotics in a Pragmatic Key. Applicability vs. Esoterism”

September 1997, Bankia, Sofia

The Faculty of Continuing Education
Department of Anthropology
The Master Program of Semiotics
announce the Third Early Fall School of Semiotics
Semiotics in a Pragmatic Key, Applicability vs. Esoteirsm

Sofia, Bulgaria; September 15 - 8 9, 1997


Periodically semiotics turns back into itself. This is a time to observe what has
been achieved, what are the new charges. This is a time to face new challenges
and to launch an exciting conquest of the newly emerged disciplines: from
computing and cognitive sciences to traditional p hilasophy.

This is an international summer school in Bulgaria open to all scientific
communities aiming to help bridging among students and scientists from Eastern
Europe with the latest development in the field of semiotics all aver the world

Bulgarian, English and French (lectures will have simultaneous translation).

Invited Lecturers:
Prof. Vllrnos Vojgt, Hungarian association of Semiotic Studies, with the following
Culture from o semiotic pofnt of view - sign system/s/ within the culture
Semiotic from n Culturological Point of View - scientific trends, national
charratcterisation as n topics for semiotics

Jean Umjker Sebeok, Associate Professor of Semiotics and Information Science,
Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, with the following topics:
Cybergluttony in TechnopolistiS societies: A modern morality Tale
Semiotics and information Science
Infomation, Meaning and Categorisation in an Art Museum
Gender and Technology in Myths of Cyberspace: The View fiom Advertising

Jeff Bernard, Institute of Socio-Semiotics Study, Vienna, Austria
Semiotics, pmgma tics, praxis: Rossi-Lan d i's socio-sem iot ics J
Semiotics, pmgma tics, praxis: Rossi-Lundi's sock-sem iotics 11
Further models and concepts in socio-sem iotics
Sign combat I: Culture and/vs.subcullures
Sign corn bar IZ: for example the "drug problem'' in the media

Prof. Ugo Volli, Institute di discipline della communicazione, Facolta di Lettere e filosofia , Universita degli studi di Bologna, Italy with topics about PiIosasphy of Languages

Plenary lectures wdl be given also by Prof. Roland Poner and Prof. Maria Popova.

The EFSS'97 will take place in a Jeravna Hotel in Bankya that is situated some 18
km west from Sofia, in Lyulin mountain. The climate is moderately continental,
with certain influences from the mountain. Bankya is well-known as a whole-year
resort with abundant mineral water that is slightly minineraLised and well-influenced for different diseases.
The Hotel offers comfortable and cosy rooms, rich library,
daily bar.
Jeravna Hotel, Bankya, Phone: + 359983 20 66
Room prices: 12,- USD include. bedhbreakfast
EF5S19? participation fees:
The fees of participation are: 35,- USD paid until June, Sth, 1997 that include.
registration. materials, cocktail, farewell party or 40,- USD paid on the spot.
Please fulfill the registration card and send it back not later than June 30tl-1, 1997.

New Bulgarian University Human Resources Development Center Finnish Network University of Semiotics International Semiotics Institute International Association for Semiotic Studies