IV. EFFS 1998

“L'Otherness: Signness, Perception, Presentation"
 September 17-20,1998 “St. Kirik and Julita”, Asenovgrad, Bulgaria

September 17
10.00 - 10.15 Opening
10.15 - 10.45 Prof. Ivanka Apostolova
New Bulgarian Univemity
Otherness and complementarity
10.45 - 11.00 Coffe break
1 1.00- 11.45 Prof. Augusto Ponzio
Institute of Philosophy of Language, Universi~of Bari, Italy
Language, Writing, Otherness
12.00 - 12.45 Prof. Augusto Ponzio
Institute of Philosophy of Language, Universiv of Ban, Italy
Sign, Presentation and Representation
15.00 - 1530 Opening
of the Exhibition of
Rostislava Raltcheva
1530 - 16.15 Dr. Susan Petrilii
Institute of Philosophy of Language, University of Bari, Italy
World-wide Communication and Planetary Communication
1630 - 17.15 Dr. Susan Petrilli
Institute of Philosophy of Language, University of Bari, Italy
Communication and Otherness
1730 Excursion to the Ratchkovo Monastery
20.00 Supper
September 18
10.00 - 10.45 Dr. Patrizia Calefato
Institute of Philosophy of language, University of Bag Italy
The Clothed Body: the grotesque and the style
11.00 - 11.45 Dr. Patrizia Calefato
Institute of Philosophy of language, University of Bari, Italy
Fashion as a Sign System: Worldliness and Ideology
12.00 - 12,45 Dr. Susan Petrilli
Institute of Philosophy of Language, University of Bari, Italy
Subject, Body and Agape. Towards Teleosemiotics with Pierce
and Welby
13.W - 14.30 Lunch
1430 - 15.00 Opening
of the Exhibition of
Vessela Lozanova
15.00 - 15.45 Dr. Susan Petrilli
Institute of Philosophy of Language, Universiv of Bari, Italy
From Perception to the Predicative Judgement:
Phenomenological Semiotics
16.0 - 3 6.45 Dr. Ana Marostica
Btlenos A ires University, Argentina
Sameness vs. Otherness: The Case of Diaguita Petroglyphs
17.00 = 1830 Round Table on: Memetics
Borislav Gaeorguiev
New Btclgan'an University
19.00 - 20.00 Supper
September 19
10.W - 10.45 Prof. Augusto Ponzio
Institute of Philosophy of Language, University of Bari, Italy
For a Semiotics of Listening
11.00 - 11.45 Prof. Augusto Ponzio
Institute of Philosophy of Language, University of sari, Italy
Reading and Otherness of the Text
1230 - 15.00 Lunch
15.00 - 15.45 Dr. Patrizia Calefato
Institute of Philosophy of language, University of Bari, Italy
Pop-model: the Pelmale body in the fashion system
16.00 - 16.45 Dr. Patrizia Calefato
Institute of Philosophy of Language, University of Bari, Italy
Fashion, Innovation and Subjectivity
1730 - 19.00 Round table on: Madness and Otherness
Orlin Todorov
New Bulgarian Universiv
1930 - 20.00 Supper
September 20
1030 - 11. 15 Augusto Ponzio
Imfitufe of Philosophy of Language, University of Bari, Italy
Production, Communication, 0 therness
1130 - 12.15 Dr. Patrizia Calefato
Institute of Philosophy of Language, University of Bad, Italy
Intersemioticity and Sensorality: Audiovisual Practices
1230 - 15.00 Lunch
15.00 - 15.45 Dr, Susan Petrilli
Institute of Phiksophy of language, Uiziversify of Bari, Italy
Signs and Translation
16.00 - 16.45 Eleonota Didorskalou
Aristotel University a f Thessahniki Cresce
Understanding Difference in a Differentiated World:
an Anthropologist' s Case
17.00 - 17.45 Dr. Miriam Or
TeZ A viv Universi~I.s rad
Between Script and Image in MitellipsA lphabeto in Sogno (1683)
and other traditions until recent days
1830 - 20.00 Round table: W e are dwarfs on giants' backs"
Christian Bankov
New Bulgarian Universily
20.30 SUPPER
September 21
1030 Excursion to Plovdiv

New Bulgarian University Human Resources Development Center Finnish Network University of Semiotics International Semiotics Institute International Association for Semiotic Studies