Signness, Perception, Presentation"
17-20,1998 “St. Kirik and Julita”, Asenovgrad, Bulgaria
September 17
10.00 - 10.15 Opening
10.15 - 10.45 Prof. Ivanka Apostolova
New Bulgarian Univemity
Otherness and complementarity
10.45 - 11.00 Coffe break
1 1.00- 11.45 Prof. Augusto Ponzio
Institute of Philosophy of Language, Universi~of Bari, Italy
Language, Writing, Otherness
12.00 - 12.45 Prof. Augusto Ponzio
Institute of Philosophy of Language, Universiv of Ban, Italy
Sign, Presentation and Representation
15.00 - 1530 Opening
of the Exhibition of
Rostislava Raltcheva
1530 - 16.15 Dr. Susan Petrilii
Institute of Philosophy of Language, University of Bari, Italy
World-wide Communication and Planetary Communication
1630 - 17.15 Dr. Susan Petrilli
Institute of Philosophy of Language, University of Bari, Italy
Communication and Otherness
1730 Excursion to the Ratchkovo Monastery
20.00 Supper
September 18
10.00 - 10.45 Dr. Patrizia Calefato
Institute of Philosophy of language, University of Bag Italy
The Clothed Body: the grotesque and the style
11.00 - 11.45 Dr. Patrizia Calefato
Institute of Philosophy of language, University of Bari, Italy
Fashion as a Sign System: Worldliness and Ideology
12.00 - 12,45 Dr. Susan Petrilli
Institute of Philosophy of Language, University of Bari, Italy
Subject, Body and Agape. Towards Teleosemiotics with Pierce
and Welby
13.W - 14.30 Lunch
1430 - 15.00 Opening
of the Exhibition of
Vessela Lozanova
15.00 - 15.45 Dr. Susan Petrilli
Institute of Philosophy of Language, Universiv of Bari, Italy
From Perception to the Predicative Judgement:
Phenomenological Semiotics
16.0 - 3 6.45 Dr. Ana Marostica
Btlenos A ires University, Argentina
Sameness vs. Otherness: The Case of Diaguita Petroglyphs
17.00 = 1830 Round Table on: Memetics
Borislav Gaeorguiev
New Btclgan'an University
19.00 - 20.00 Supper
September 19
10.W - 10.45 Prof. Augusto Ponzio
Institute of Philosophy of Language, University of Bari, Italy
For a Semiotics of Listening
11.00 - 11.45 Prof. Augusto Ponzio
Institute of Philosophy of Language, University of sari, Italy
Reading and Otherness of the Text
1230 - 15.00 Lunch
15.00 - 15.45 Dr. Patrizia Calefato
Institute of Philosophy of language, University of Bari, Italy
Pop-model: the Pelmale body in the fashion system
16.00 - 16.45 Dr. Patrizia Calefato
Institute of Philosophy of Language, University of Bari, Italy
Fashion, Innovation and Subjectivity
1730 - 19.00 Round table on: Madness and Otherness
Orlin Todorov
New Bulgarian Universiv
1930 - 20.00 Supper
September 20
1030 - 11. 15 Augusto Ponzio
Imfitufe of Philosophy of Language, University of Bari, Italy
Production, Communication, 0 therness
1130 - 12.15 Dr. Patrizia Calefato
Institute of Philosophy of Language, University of Bad, Italy
Intersemioticity and Sensorality: Audiovisual Practices
1230 - 15.00 Lunch
15.00 - 15.45 Dr, Susan Petrilli
Institute of Phiksophy of language, Uiziversify of Bari, Italy
Signs and Translation
16.00 - 16.45 Eleonota Didorskalou
Aristotel University a f Thessahniki Cresce
Understanding Difference in a Differentiated World:
an Anthropologist' s Case
17.00 - 17.45 Dr. Miriam Or
TeZ A viv Universi~I.s rad
Between Script and Image in MitellipsA lphabeto in Sogno (1683)
and other traditions until recent days
1830 - 20.00 Round table: W e are dwarfs on giants' backs"
Christian Bankov
New Bulgarian Universily
20.30 SUPPER
September 21
1030 Excursion to Plovdiv