V. EFFS 1999

"Semiotic Space and Cultural Time"

14-18 September, 1999 “St. Kirik and Julita”, Asenovgrad, Bulgaria

"Semiotic Space and Cultural Time"
14 - 18 September, 1999
"St. Kyrik" complex - Plovdiv
September 14
10.00 - 10.30 Opening
Prof. Bogdan Bogdanov
coffee break
1 X.00 - 12.00
Prof. Peeter Torop
Tartu University, Estonia
Semiotic Space and Cultural Time: aspects of translatability
12-15 - 13.15
Prof. Peeter Torop
Tartu University, Estonia
Chronotopical Structure of Cultural Texts
1330 LUNCH
1430 - 1 5 3
Prof. Paul Cobley
London Guildhall University, UK
- 16.45
Prof. Paul Cobley
London Guildhall University, UK
Excursion to the Batchkovo Monastery
September 15
10.00 - 11.00
Dr. Norma Tascs
coflee break
1130 - 1230
Dr. Norma Tasca
12.30 LUNCH
14.00 - 15.00
Prof. Pierre Pellegrino
15.15 - 16.15
Prof. Pierre Pellegrino
16.00 - 17.00
Dr. Myriam Or
Tel Aviv Universiv, Israel
1 0.00 - 1 1 -00
Prof. Peeter Torop
Turtu University, Estonia
Semiotizstion of Space as a Problem of Semiotics of Culture
coffee break
1130 - 12.30
Dr. Norma Tasca
12.30 LUNCH
14.00 - 1 5.00
Prof. Pierre Pellegrinn
Sw itzerkand
15.15 - 16.15
Prof. Pierre Pellegrino
Round Table on Coffe and Daily Life on the Balkans
Prof. Eratosthenis Kapsornenos
IJniversity of loannia, Greece
Le comportemexit erotique dans le chant populaire
Dr. M.G. Lily Styliarrsudi
Center for the study of  Greek Society. Academy of A thrns. Greec~
Reading the Coffee
Dr. Vana Tentohli, Assistant Professor
A risto P le Ihjversily of 7hessaloniki, Greece
Male Collective Privacy Within the Cafk
Dr. Eftbymios Papataxiarchis, Associate Professor
Upliversity of the Aegean, Greece
Coffe and Ouzo Drinking in the Greek Kafeneio
September 17
Prof. pierre Pellegfino
coffee break
1130 - 12.30
Prof. Paul Cobley
London Guildhall University, UK
14-00 - 15.00
Dr. Norma Tasca
(uns peci fed)
15.15 - 1.7.00
Dr, Norma Tssca
(unspeci fed)
17.00 - 18.00
Dr. Celia Maria Antonacci Ramos
Big Nosed, and Not Happy: Thanks to God
September 18
10.00 - 11.00
Prof. Paul Cobley
London Guildhall University. LIK
1 te15 - 12+15
Prof. Paul Cobley
London Guildha N University, UK
1230 LUNCH
14,OO- 15.00
Prof. IJgo Volli
1UL.M Ilniversi~.M ilan. Tlal).
Time and Desire
15,15 - 16.25
Dr. Vana Tentokali
ArisrotIc Universify of ntessalnnikr, Greece
The Domestic Division of Space and Time
16.30 - 17.30
Dr, M.-C. Lily Stylianoudi
(2ntre.fnr lhc Studv of Greek Society, Acarkm . v n . f A ihuns, ( ;reere
Chronos and Kairos: Time distortion caused by pain
17.45 - 18.45
Prof. Eratosthenis Kapsomenos
iniversi fy of lnannia, Greece
La mort dans le chant populaire
Eventual Speakers:
Prof. Karin Boklund-l,agnpoult,u
Aristotle University of ~hessaionikiG. reece
Space as a :Metaphor for the Body in the Anachoritic
Prof. Alexandros Ph. Lagopoulos
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Ritual Ploughing and Crossing of the Tradition! Greek


New Bulgarian University Human Resources Development Center Finnish Network University of Semiotics International Semiotics Institute International Association for Semiotic Studies