XII. EFFS 2006

Image and Narration”

September 200
6, Sozopol, Bulgaria

The 2006 edition of the semiotics school has as main topic “Semiotics and Image” and the conference sessions cover a vast range of problems. Goethe institute (Sofia) is a co-organizer.

Since now we have announced the following sub topics:
“The Global Semiotics of Thomas Sebeok”
“Semiotics and Image”
“Semiotics and Theatre”
“Semiotics and Cinema”
“Media, Consumption, Communication”
“Cognitive Semiotics, Cognitive Science”

The International Early Fall School at NBU is the first International School in Southeast Europe, created and developed by the Southeast European Centre for Semiotic Studies at New Bulgarian University.
The aim of the Early Fall School is to offer the participants both up-to-date research information and an opportunity to discuss thoroughly their projects with specialists in the various fields. The seminars correspond to four credit units for university students.*


The Early Fall School is organized in two parts:

1. Morning block of lectures for graduate and undergraduate students, given by the invited lecturers:

Prof. Eero Tarasti (Finland)
Prof. Wolfgang Wildgen (Germany)
Prof. Paul Cobley (UK)
Prof. Grigoris Paschalidis (Greece)
Prof. Guido Ipsen (Germany)
Prof Winfried Noeth (Germany)
Prof. Pentti Paavolainen (Finland)
Prof. Massimo Leone (Italy)
Prof. Vassilis Letsios (Greece)

2. Afternoon block of seminars and round tables are organized for interactive student participation.

* According to the standards of NBU and Southeast European Centre for Semiotic Studies.

Concerning the lectures for the undergraduate and PhD students since now we have the following announced titles:
Introduction to the philosophy of music (E. Tarasti);
The evolution of pre-historic art and the transition to writing systems (W. Wildgen);
Why pictures are signs?; What pictures represent?; Panorama of the semiotics of the Media (W. Noth)
Analysis of the photographic image (G. Paschalidis)


EFSS’ are unique of their kind as they combine a scientific conference with proper specialized semiotics school for undergraduate and PhD students. Both parts of the event are organized with parallel program. Thus distinguished scholars in semiotics from all over the world gather for 7 or 8 days and have the opportunity both to exchange ideas and latest developments with their Bulgarian colleagues, and to offer some hours of teaching to an international auditory of students.

New Bulgarian University Human Resources Development Center Finnish Network University of Semiotics International Semiotics Institute International Association for Semiotic Studies